Wednesday, January 11, 2006

There Is No God But George Clinton, and Ice Cube Is His Prophet.

Let me explain. I was boiling down life to the very basics in my head yesterday. I thought about how I would be truly happy in this world if all I had was my beautiful wife. I then went on a mental tangent that let me to seeing us living in a tent somewhere, living camper style, fishing and hunting whatever small mammals I was cunning enough to capture, kill, and cook. But then the simplistic dream evaporated as I remembered how happy my wife was that I went out and picked up some new M.A.C. cosmetics for her the other day. So I figured, all I need is her, and money. That rang a familiar bell from the past, I have heard that somewhere before..."Life ain't nothing but bitches and money" - Ice Cube. Forgiving the fact that modern day slang is usually derogatory towards women this seemed to fit.

I decided to share my daily thought in its simplest form with a very good friend of mine. I stated that Ice Cube is a prophet and attached the quote above. From there I typed that there is no god but ____ and Ice Cube is his prophet. Playing on the Muslim version "There is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet." To which he quickly replied George Clinton. My buddy said he came to mind quickly, mainly due to his transcendental ways. I then took another mental run, this time on George Clinton (not to exclude the most fantastic P-Funk, but we are on the hunt for a single deity). He once sang "One nation under a groove, gettin' down just for the funk of it." and the metaphoric "Why must I feel like that, why must I chase the cat, nuthin' but the dog in me." And I realized that he not only knows what he wants but also knows that sometimes there is no reason for his wants, and sometimes there are reasons that just are, and are completely out of his control. Yes, these are the words of a wise man. One who I would follow. I always liked George Clinton, but really got into him during the summer of 1994 at Lollapalooza when he was one of the headliners. Shortly after the so-so album, but wonderfully titled, "Hey man - smell my finger."

Once I really meshed the two together, George Clinton and Ice Cube...the funny statement gained a bit of gravity and more humor.

This morning I came back into work and sent my buddy an IM telling him that I had just finished my morning prayer facing West toward Compton. To where the good word came down to Ice Cube from on high (the mother ship), while high, at the Fat Burger on the corner of Crenshaw and Wilshire at two in the morning. Those of you familiar with the best Cube song ever made will appreciate that. We decided that the pilgrimage to the holy site of the Fat Burger should be taken on July 22nd, which is G. Clinton's date of birth. And this will become know as the Hizz-ajj. On said day, on the sacred site we will ingest the holiest of beverages in honor of their greatness and love for us. The Pimmps Cup, a play on a great drink found here. Since a Pimmps Cup is gin based and made with juice, we figured that we were keeping it real enough to not piss off gangstas. That is about as far as we got with it but we will be cultivating this new religion more and more as the days go on. I will be sure to keep you posted.

Until then, Clintonhu Ackbar, my brothers and sisters!


At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Evan said...

Clinton Be Praised!

The great revealing has begun.

At 3:00 PM, Anonymous Anthony "The Duke" said...

Icecubealaikum salam!

At 3:13 PM, Anonymous Frank DeVecchis said...

I'm getting in on merchandising FUBU brand prayer rugs. Each will be embroidered with the phrase, "Today was a good day."

At 3:46 PM, Anonymous Anthony "The Duke" said...

And come with a free "Flashlight"...


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